Devoted Series Weekly Challenges

The Challenges

Each week of our “Devoted” series this January is ending in a multi-part challenge for our ELC family designed around helping each of us build better daily practices in our walk with God. If you missed a week, or are trying to remember the challenges from one of the weeks…here you go!


Week One: Prayer

Level One: Sign up for daily prayer texts and commit to praying every day for that day’s focus | text “devoted” to 833-539-6037.

Level Two: Level ONE and commit to attending a Power and Presence in the near future.

Level Three: Level TWO and sign up for one (or more) hours at our 23-Hour Prayer Event on February 3 and 4.


Week Two: Scripture

Level One: Sign up for the “The Gospels” a 30-day reading plan in the YouthVersion app:

Level Two: Sign up for the “Fresh Start Bible One-Year Reading Plan” in the YouthVersion app:

Level Three: Memorize Philippians Chapter 4 between now and Easter Sunday, March 31 (we start a series on Philippians in March).


Week Three: Evangelism

Level 1: Write out your testimony. 
Include “the before”, “the what happened”, and the “since”

Level 2: Ask God and then write down 4 people that you can pray for to come to Christ this year.

Level 3: Share Jesus with someone this week. 


Week Four: Self-Denial

Level 1: Fast (give up) entertainment on your phone for a week. [YouTube, social media, streaming services, video games…]

Level 2: Fast (give up) entertainment [altogether] or something else significant to you for a week. [Desserts? Meat? Lunch? Take that time to pray!]

Level 3: Sign up for and commit to a Life Group for this semester.